Carry Your Baby In A Bag
In Australia there are many animals that are strange looking to us in America. Nearly half of these creatures are Marsupials. These are the animals that carry their baby in a pouch. They nurse and grow in the pouch until it’s time to come out and face the world.
The wallaby looks like a fat little kangaroo. The wallaroo is the size of the animals in between the wallaby and the kangaroo. The young Wallabies are called “Joeys”.
The Rock Wallaby has gripping feet to make it more capable to roam the mountains like a mountain goat.
The Wallabies dwell more in the densely treed and mountain areas of Australia. The Larger kangaroo stays more in the plains and desert lands.
The baby is born in 30 days. The baby wallaby is in the pouch nearly 9 months. The baby will stop nursing from 12 to 17 months.
Large numbers will be together to eat grass and plants in the afternoon and evening.
One of the nicer looking creatures is the koala bear. He is not a bear but just looks like one. He is a marsupial that carries the baby in its pouch. He is so cute and looks like mommy. He climbs the eucalyptus trees and makes a feast of the powerful leaves. And he is for real not just s stuffed toy.
When you take your trip to Australia relax and enjoy all these interesting animals. It will be worth your while. What a wonderful Creator we have. He must have had a great enjoyment in making all His creatures.